Friday, July 12, 2013

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Let's start off with this cuteness....

From left to right we have Ibra, Abudul, and Karim. These three are always hanging out with each other so the other day I asked each one why they like the other two. The first kid I asked was Ibra. Ibra is never in to answering my questions so in true form he just said "because I love them" using a very obviously-that-is-the-reason-mary-why-are-you-asking-me-this tone of voice. Of course I probed him a bit more and tried to get him to tell me what it is about Abudul and Karim that makes him love them. This is what he finally said

Ibra said about Karim, “I like his skills in somersaulting.”

Ibra said, “I like his dancing” about Abudul.

These three boys really enjoy gymnastics. They are always flipping, cartwheeling, hand-standing, and so on. They refer to these activities as somersaulting. 

Here is what the other two said about each other...

Abudul said about Ibra, “There are many things. He likes playing. He likes to be with his brothers or friends. He goes to school and does not miss. He likes to be with his friends, play with them. He likes to go to the parties (at school).”

I think my favorite reason Abudul loves Ibra is that he goes to school and doesn't skip! What a great reason to be friends with someone. 

Abudul said, “He is a somersault boy. He likes to read story books. He likes to talk with us and the uncles. He likes dancing. He is a boy. We are good friends” about Karim.

My favorite reason Abudul gave for liking Karim is that he is a boy. 

Karim said he likes Ibra because “Ibra likes to eat, play, fight, study, and he likes jokes.”

Karim said “Abudul like to play so much! He likes jokes. He likes to fight, and to somersault. Abudul is a hard working boy and so is Ibra.”

Of course Karim means play fight when he says he likes the boys because they like to fight. 

These boys are in the Bukesa home which is an all boys home. All of the boys in the home consider themselves brothers to the rest of the boys. They are one big family and they are all friends but naturally each child has one or two brothers that he is closer to. Karim, Abudul, and Ibra are very close and now you know why they love to spend time each other.

Hopefully this entry will turn in to a series of entries and I will share pictures of kids and the things they say!

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